Please be aware that our chat support will be offline from 17 October 5pm (SAST) to 21 October 7am(SAST) as we will be performing scheduled maintenance at this time.

Why you should attend?

This intense 5 day course is designed to train and up-skill an individual in your firm to ensure the success of Caseware in your business. After completing the course, the Caseware Champion will be equipped with all the tools to allow them to create, contribute to and maintain the firm template, ensure all staff are properly trained and skilled up on Caseware, and much more!

Course overview:

  • Customising the Caseware Working Papers interface
    • File protection
    • Customising the Document Manager
    • Customising Lead Sheets
    • Using the Document Library for customised notes
  • Formatting and configuring the Financial Statements
    • In Edit Mode and Design Mode
  • Design Mode
    • Style sheets
    • Adding addition columns to existing tables
    • Automation using formulae
    • Attaching modified headers and footers
    • Turning line items on and off in design mode
    • Copying sections 
    • Resizing sections  
  • Best practice for the rolling out of firm templates, includes packaging, testing, distributing and updating
  • Training of Caseware Users
  • Consolidations
  • Using Connector to automate Working Papers
  • The Cash Flow Statement in detail
  • Monitoring progress

The next Caseware Champion?

There are a few minimum requirements to ensure you will be successful in this role:

·        Have completed the Caseware Fundamentals and Refresher Courses or extensive experience using the software

·        Passionate about Caseware and CaseView

·        Have assumed the role of the Caseware “go-to person” within your firm

·        Responsible for the firm template

·        Have basic or intermediary knowledge of design mode in Caseware

Please Note: The training delegate minimum requirement is 6 delegates, should we not meet this number the training will be rescheduled to the next training dates. If training is cancelled, we will inform you prior to the training date.

Upcoming Courses

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