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Cloud | FAQ | How to create and or import Staff

Published:  04/09/2018

To add an individual user:

  • Ensure that you have the Staff Admin role or equivalent rights.
  • From the Cloud menu, select Staff or Contacts.
  • Select New and, under Add, select Staff or Contacts.
User-added image
                          Add individual users from the staff or contacts page
  • Enter the appropriate name and contact information. Note: If you are adding a contact and you do not want to create an account for them, leave the Email field blank.
  • If you want to set the user’s password, select the Password pane, select Set, and enter the new password. Otherwise, the user will set their password.
  • Click on the Save button. 

To view your list of Staff that have now been created, simply go to the Staff menu where they will be listed. Use the search function if you need to lookup a specific one. 
User-added image

Importing staff members from a list

Preparing a list for import

Adding users from a list enables you to add a large number of users to your Cloud firm in a single procedure. The list file or text can add or modify users’ profile and contact information, as well as their group assignment. If an entered group does not exist in Cloud, importing the directory will create it. You’ll need a list of users in a .csv file or delimited block of plain text.

When using either method, ensure that:
  • Each row represents one user, and
  • Each column represents a property, such as their name, email, and user group. To include a user in more than one group, place a tilde (~) between each group name.

In this example, a firm administrator wants to add four staff members to Cloud:

Last Name, First Name, Email Address, Initials, Title, Phone Number, Group
Barnett, Betsy, [email protected], BB, Senior, 416-555-5117 Ext: 128, G1
Henry, Isabel, [email protected], IH, Supervisor, 416-555-5117 Ext: 176, G1~G2
Holt, Ben, [email protected], BH, Senior, 416-555-2115, G2
Nguyen, Nicholas, [email protected], NN, Junior, 416-555-1956, G2


Importing the list to Cloud

Once the list is prepared, you're ready to import your users to Cloud.

To import a user list:
  • Ensure that you have the Staff: Admin role or equivalent rights.
  • From the Cloud menu, select Staff or Contacts.
  • Select New and, under Import, select Staff or Contacts.
  • In the first two checkboxes of the Import Staff dialog, choose how the import will handle existing users. Select the second checkbox only. Note: Select the second checkbox only if you are importing a complete staff or contacts list.
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                          The first two options in the Import Staff dialog

Choose whether or not your text or CSV file contains a header row and what type of delimiter is used.
User-added image
                    The second set of checkboxes in the Import Staff dialog
  • Select Import from CSV and browse to your .csv directory file, or paste your delimited list text into the text box, then select Next.
  • Map the property that matches each column. If any existing users have the same email address, they will be updated. Note: If you are importing a list of contacts, leave the email address field empty for any contacts that you do not want to have an account in Cloud.
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                Map the columns of your staff import list to complete the process
  • Click on the Import button. A confirmation dialog appears showing the number of users successfully added or modified. If you entered any groups, they would be added or modified as well.

After the import

After you import a user list, Cloud will automatically send them an email with a link to their login page. A record of this email can be found in Firm Settings | Email | Email Log. On the login screen, they will be asked to enter their email address and to enter and confirm a password. Standards for how difficult passwords must be and how often they need to be changed can be set in Firm Settings | Security | Password Settings.


Caseware Cloud offers two methods for adding staff or contacts to your firm: importing a list using a .csv file or delimited block of text or adding users individually in Cloud. If your firm has more than 50 employees or contacts, we recommend importing a user list. 

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